St Andrew’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Kelso Prayer ideas & suggestions for Lent 2025

This diary is intended to help you make the 2025 season of Lent special. The ideas and suggestions are not an exhaustive list but pointers for you as you make your observance of Lent this year. We pray that you will find it helpful and assist you during these most important 40 days.

The Rev’d Canon Bob King & The Rev’d Grace Redpath February 2025

St Andrew’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Kelso

Prayer ideas & suggestions for Lent 2025

This diary is intended to help you make the 2025 season of Lent special. The ideas and suggestions are not an exhaustive list but pointers for you as you make your observance of Lent this year. We pray that you will find it helpful and assist you during these most important 40 days.

The Rev’d Canon Bob King & The Rev’d Grace Redpath February 2025

Wed 5th March

Ash Wednesday

The start of Lent! Come to communion at Church at 10.00 am. How are you going to mark this special season of Lent?

Thurs 6th March

Pray for those you love and have loved. Make contact if that is appropriate. Ring or drop in on someone whom you fear is lonely today.

Fri 7th March

Pray for peace in the world. Come to the service for the World Day of Prayer at 11.00 in Kelso Old Parish Church

Sat 8th March

Pray for your favourite charity today. Look through your bank statements and review your charitable giving. Make a donation to a new Charity.

Sun 9th March

Pray for all those who have supported and encouraged you during your life. Maybe write to one of them or give them a call or a WhatsApp.

Mon 10th March

Ask God for strength at the beginning of this new week. Come to Tea and Hymns at 2.30 in Church.

Read Psalm 23 and focus on a verse that stands out to you and reflect on it throughout the day.

Tue 11th March

Spend time in prayer for your family and close friends today. Invite someone round for coffee.

Wed 12th March

Come to the 10.00 Service and Study Group.

Pray for your neighbours and those who live close by. Walk or drive up your road and think of each person who lives there.

Thurs 13th March

Pray for our Clergy at St Andrew’s:- Bob, Grace, Moira, Ian, Jeff and the Bishops of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Google the Bishops and get all their names especially the two new ones.

Fri 14th March

Why not come to Morning Prayer at 10.00 am in Church?

Walk around town and give thanks for our shops and traders.

Sat 15th March

Find some extra quiet time today and pray for yourself. Consider your life and your relationship with God. Treat yourself to something nice.

Sun 16th March

Pray for Christians of all denominations and pray for those of other faiths. Choose another world faith and research it on Google or with your encyclopedia.

Mon 17th March

Write down all that you eat today & pray for those who are hungry. How much did it cost? Spend the same amount on food for the Food Bank at Sainsburys, Lidl or the Co-op.

Tue 18th March

Pray for our local schools and pray especially for the schools you attended. Look them up on the internet and see how they have changed.

Wed 19th March

Come to the 10.00 Service in Church.

Pray for those who are unable to have children and for those who foster and adopt. Look up the NSPCC and read their website.

Thurs 20th March

Pray today for Police, Fire, Ambulance Lifeboat, Mountain Rescue and River Rescue staff.

Check if your electricity is from a renewable supplier.

Fri 21st March

Think of your favourite hymn.

Find out who wrote it and if they wrote any others (singing is permitted).

Sat 22nd March

Pray for our choir & organist, sidespeople, cleaners, administrator, openers, closers, coffee makers, tea makers, and flower arrangers and everyone else who we have not mentioned.

Sun 23rd March

Really pay attention to the promises being made at the Eucharist today when Bishop John is with us.

Pray for those being confirmed and those renewing vows.

Mon 24th March

Start this new week having a clear out and donating to a charity shop. Give as many of your family members as you can a call or a text today

Tue 25th March

Pray for our farming community, for those involved in food production. Select something from your store cupboard & find out who produced it.

Wed 26th March

Come to the 10.00 Service in Church.

Pray for our doctors, nurses and all who care for others at home, hospital or in Care Homes. Do you need to revise your Will?

Thurs 27th March

Pray for migrants & refugees and those who sleep on the streets. Could you send a donation to one of the Homeless Charities today?

Fri 28th March

Remember those who clean our streets, provide our electricity, gas and sewage services. Switch off all your lights at one point for 15 minutes and give thanks that you don’t live in darkness.

Sat 29th March

Give thanks for the wonder of creation and for the world we live in. Have a walk or a drive around the beautiful Borders and look at Creation with fresh eyes. Tell someone what you saw today.

Sun 30th March

Mothering Sunday

Pray for your Mother and those who have cared for you during the different stages of your life. Phone someone who may find today difficult.

Mon 31st March

Listen to the news on the radio today or read a newspaper. Find one thing that you know little about and research it.

Tue 1st April

Open the Bible and select 3 different verses. One from the Old Testament, one from the Gospels and one from later in the New Testament. Read them several times and then meditate on them.

Wed 2nd April

Come to the 10.00 Service in Church.

Make a list of some of the good things in your life and thank God for them.

Thurs 3rd April

Pray for our King and Parliament, Gavin Horsburgh our Provost, our local councillors, and decision makers. Ask yourself: ‘If there was a General Election today who would you vote for and why?’

Fri 4th April

Pray for the Holy Land and the troubled Middle East, for peace between all faiths and peoples.

Look up Gaza and Israel on a map and study exactly where those countries are.

Sat 5th April

Be a little selfish today. Pray for yourself and treat yourself in some way. Think about what a real treat for you is and why?

Sun 6th April

It’s Sunday School today! Try and remember how it felt to be a teenager & pray for all teenagers and their parents.

Think about your antics as a child or teenager.

Mon 7th April

Come to Morning Prayer at 10.00 in Church.

Start the week by trying to speak to someone you don’t know very well. Have you donated any food to the Food Bank recently?

Tue 8th April

Pray for those who are lonely or housebound. Ring someone up or visit them if you can. Pray for the carers and residents in our local Care Homes.

Wed 9th April

How is it going? Think about your prayers this Lent. Talk about them with a friend. Come to the Wednesday 10.00 service.

Thurs 10th April

Pray for all the other Churches in our area. Take a look at their websites. Go out for a walk or a drive to a part of the town you have never been to or not visited for a long time.

Fri 11th April

Come to Morning Prayer at 10.00

Look at the books in your house, is there one that you should read again?

Sat 12th April

Pray for all who serve their country in the armed forces and those who are left at home. Pray for those serving in Ukraine.

Sun 13th April

Palm Sunday

Read the story of Palm Sunday. Would you have gone out to greet Jesus as he rode into the city? This is the start of Holy Week - try to follow the story as it unfolds throughout the week.

Mon 14th April

Pray for all those in Ukraine, struggling for life and peace

At 2.30 come to Tea, Hymns & Poetry in Church.

Tue 15th April

Think about your end-of-life plans. Who do you need to talk to about them?

At 5.00pm come to Compline in Church and listen to our speaker – The Rev Dr Lesley Penny.

Wed 16th April

Pray for those who work for Local and National Government.

Come to Stations of the Cross at 10.00 in St Andrew’s and the Kelso Churches Together United Service in Kelso Old at 2.30pm. (lots of services today!)

Thurs 17th April

Maundy Thursday

Today we celebrate the Last Supper. Every time you eat bread today give thanks to Jesus for all his gifts to you.

Come to the Eucharist in Church at 7.00pm and join in the ‘Watch’ afterwards for just one hour.

Fri 18th April

Good Friday

How would you have reacted on Good Friday? Come to Church at 2.00 pm for the Good Friday Liturgy.

Sat 19th April

Prepare yourself for Easter. Pray through this diary again and reflect on your experiences and thoughts.

Bring a vase of flowers and help decorate Church at 10.00.

Sun 20th April

Easter Day


Come to Church and rejoice!

8.30 am Communion.

10.00 Easter Eucharist with Sunday School.

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